The software delivers high-resolution images, helps to optimise workflow and reduce steps needed to complete exams
Tools to assist user to be HIPAA compliant
GDPR compliance tool​
Automatic forwarding rejected images to analysis workstation
Support various workflows to match local requirements
Used to help you optimise image quality and dose
Set different privileges
Supports Dynamic and Static Imaging
Pair with Canon wireless detectors from other modalities
Based on Deep Learning, INR significantly improves image quality, assists with diagnosis, and has a possible dose benefit.
Reduces the effect of scattered radiation for non-grid examinations. Decrease of required dose by >50 %. Decline of re-takes caused by improper grid use.
Improved visualization of tubes, catheters and bone details. Automatic copy of the image acquired, allows various views on the same acquisition.
Automatic Image Stitching
Enhance efficiency and increase image quality with One Shot LL Frame
Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is a fluoroscopy technique used in interventional radiology to clearly visualize blood vessels by eliminating (subtracting) radiopaque structures, such as bones or dense soft tissue.
Performing high-resolution limited-angle tomography at radiation dose levels comparable with projectional radiography.
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Discover the benefits of Canon's CXDI Controller RF Software
Explore the image quality of the Canon FPD technology
View our full range of static, and dynamic flat panel detectors.
Intuitive e-learning tool to become experts on our CXDI Control Software NE.